Bicycle Racing – Cycle-Smart International Cyclocross Tournament

The Cycle-Smart Fantastical Tournament of Cyclocross Racing is HANDS DOWN my favorite race of the year.  I love the course, I love the town and I love making weird allusions to Jeremy Durrin’s penis.

As an added bonus, it was DRY.  Which I also love.

Continue reading Bicycle Racing – Cycle-Smart International Cyclocross Tournament

SOCK and RACE REPORT – PVD adventures.



I got a box o’ socks from my friends at People For Bikes.  Well, specifically, probably one friend.  Also included in the box was a collection of COFFEE.

This is great because I am a person who likes bikes, and I like pushing the agenda of a bicycle as a fantastic mode of transportation.  I also like socks and coffee.

I grabbed two pairs of socks, a few packages of coffee, my camping stove and bike racing shit and hopped in Curtis’ car and OFF WE ZIPPED to Providence (we could not take bikes to Providence, as this was an instance in which a car was a better mode of transportation).

Continue reading SOCK and RACE REPORT – PVD adventures.