Cycling: Longo husband and coach faces disciplinary action | Updated News


French veteran Jeannie Longo’s husband and coach Patrice Ciprelli is facing disciplinary action following allegations that he bought erythropoietine (EPO) in 2007, the French cycling federation said on Tuesday.

(via Cycling: Longo husband and coach faces disciplinary action | Updated News., h/t to doucheblog (warning: BOOBS))

UNH Cyclocross Training Race

It’s back, again! Info in blog form is here, the Facebook event is here, and a rundown is HERE:

“B” Race goes off promptly at 5:00 and lasts 30 minutes
“A” Race goes off promptly at 5:35 and lasts 45 minutes

The first race will be Wednesday September 14th, and follow for five weeks (that means races fall on September 14th, 21st, 28th, October 5th, 12th)

Races are only five bucks. Tell your friends.

Be prepared for complete domination by the New Hampshire chapter.

Hey there.

It’s Ryan.  I decided it’d be fun to erase my blog the other day.  Whoops.

I have no plans to bring back all of that old stuff, because the Internet doesn’t really need everything I’ve written since 2006.  Sorry.

Items of interest will return, though.