Commute Communique – Aug 17, 2011

– Passed 35 cars in Office Park Traffic.

– Car passed me on 151 in Greenland. Screamed “FAGGOT” at me out the window. I waved. Got the finger. Continued to wave, smiled even more. All three occupants in the car gave me the finger. I won.

– Passed by a scooter on Spur Rd. Rode hard to get on it. Foot came out of pedal. No real loss, though, as the driver was not a cute chick.

Podium Cafe Interview

I spent some time on the phone with Jen from Podium Cafe.  We talked about riding bicycles on route 100 for 200 miles.  Go figure.  I eventually started rambling about riding in the winter.

I did not come across as charming, funny or sexy as I am in real life.  Which is really unfortunate.  Because I am all of those things.  FOR SURE.

The interview is here.  You can go there and read it, or not.  WHATEVER.  I DON’T CARE.